How far along: 11 Weeks
Baby is the size of: Lime
Total weight gain: +1= 4
Belly Size: 27" @ Waist, 34 1/2" @ Hips
Stretch Marks: Chocolate Cocoa Butter is a life saver!!
Movement: Almost that time!
Symptoms: MY BUTT HURTS!! Round ligament pain in my tailbone means my hips and booty are getting ready to carry a child. (thank you Bourque genes)
Food Cravings: More texture than actual specific food -- Crunchy!
Sick/queasy: Less and Less
Mood most of the time: Happy!
Best moment this week: The start of making the guest room, the nursery :)
Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Wishing momma wasn't hurting all the time. Mommy thinks he's just tired of hearing her complain.
Next appointment: May 7th-- we are very unpatiently still waiting.