Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reed's Story

On August 1st our beautiful, perfect, healthy newborn went unconscious and stopped breathing while nursing in my arms. Quick thinking of us and the Doctors had him back and breathing within 3 minutes. The longest 3 minutes of my life. Not knowing what caused the event the Doctors began running every test imaginable on our new little baby. A CT scan showed brain swelling and an EEG showed an abnormal neurological event. The extent of any damage done or what actually caused the event couldn't be known until after a 72 hour wait period. During the 72 hours Reed was placed on a cooling blanket which lowered his body temperature to 92 degrees. This allowed his body to slow down, rest and prayerfully decrease the swelling in his brain. With his body temperature only being 92 degrees all he had the energy for is to sleep; my prayer was that he would just sleep through this whole nightmare. After 36 hours the doctor preformed a repeat EEG and the results were a God send. On the first test Reed had many moments of no "background" which means there was no activity for a few seconds multiple times. On the repeat test he still had no "background" moments, but the number of times had decreased significantly. On Tuesday night at 11:30pm the warming process started, raising the machine temperature 1 degree every hour. As the hours went on our baby boy became more and more responsive. By the time the shift doctor made rounds for the day Reed was ready to graduate to a crib from his incubator and add milk to his diet. After working with an Occupational Therapist for just a few minutes Reed was ready to try a bottle; boy drank a full 10ml in less than 5 minutes. After he had a good feeding he made such a turn. He actually woke up, had a bowel movement, cried, and would make it clear when he was hungry or uncomfortable. Within 36 hours Reed was ready to discontinue all IV fluids and loose the feeding tube. Our strong little fighter was on all milk bottles just 60 hours after being warmed. His reflexes were taking a while to come around, but all of that is to be expected on a "cooled" baby.  6 days after the event Reed was seen by the pediatric neurologist and she did a few reflex exercises and determines that "there is nothing wrong with Reed, he's a healthy baby". Those magical words brought tears to my eyes. He will continue to follow up with her throughout his first year to make sure he's developing as he should, but she doesn't foresee any problems. With the okay from neuro and the straight bottle/nursing feeds our baby boy was ready to come home. The past 9 days were by far the worst days of my life, but GOD showed his power and got us through it. We thank everyone for all of their prayers, thoughts, and kind words. They have helped keep us strong throughout this unfortunate situation. More than anything though we hit our knees and praise the LORD. He has healed our miracle baby and given us the biggest blessing that we are forever grateful for. 

He's Here!!

Reed Benson arrived on July 31, 2015 at 12:54pm. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and measured 19 1/2 inches long. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Month 7

Surprisingly to how I feel, I am still pregnant! Reed has dropped into position and has been there since about week 29. I am significantly uncomfortable, but Reed is still inside developing and healthy so we're doing good!! I am spending my days catching up on crafts, a few chores, and guilty television. I've had a couple close calls with contractions, but they always subside. The doctor is now performing a FNN test every 2 weeks which test for the presence of protein which would be released right before the membranes rupture. I am living in 2 weeks intervals until 34 weeks which I will then be 1 week at a time. Reed is quickly running out of room and I'm running out of clothes.
I have gained more weight at this point than I did the whole time with Easton, but I am just packing the pounds on the baby :) at least that's what I tell myself.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Huggies and Chuggies

Month 6

Month six has turned out to be the most normal month thus far! Proud to say there were no hospital visits, extended doctor stays, or close calls. Reed is however in position and rapidly dropping.

Total Weight Gain: 10 pounds
Belly Size:
Symptoms: Lot of kicks to the ribs, very light pressure, and swelling
Cravings: Sweets!

With all of our commitments come and gone it's now time to kick my feet up and bake this baby! Next stop.... D-Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Waiting for Reed

 18 months is turning out to be the age Easton is giving up on pictures so taking family shots were more difficult than usual. Hopefully this doesnt last long.

Reed's Adventure Room

My idea for Reed's room came after finding fabric patterns on Etsy.com. Once I had a start I couldn't stop, idea after idea just came flooding in and I got to crafting. 
First came his name for the wall above the crib. Seeing the letters on PotteryBarn.com for $75 each I was thankful Reed had a short name! I thought it would be worth a shot to try and make the letters myself first. I found letters at Hobby Lobby on the clearance aisle.
 Since Polka Dot letters dont't really go with our theme I started by painting them with a textured tan spray paint.
 Next I cut P11 board into smaller panels then painted them a dark brown
Hanging the final prodcut was found to be harder than expected, but I got it done!

The no sew TeePee was super easy using only 3 PVC pipes, a painters drop cloth, and some rope and screws.
I found directions here:

The arrows were super simple with the help of my husband and his table saw.
Simple build and stain then hang.

Simple soft furnishings including a fur pillow, handmade vinyl canvas, dark wicker baskets, and my favorite 5x7 navy and white Aztec rug from WALMART for $25.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

5 Months

What a month! On March 27th I woke up to contractions -- timed at 11 minutes apart. I started doing everything I knew to stop the contractions, moving around, drinking water, finally taking a bath, and they stopped. I didn't feel Reed move at all after that, come 10:00am I panicked. My doctor was unavailable so I agreed to see a PA after an ultrasound; that heartbeat was the most beautiful sound I could have ever heard. Even on ultrasound Reed wouldn't move though. He was facing my back and wouldn't give my heart a break by a little kick or twist. The PA wanted to check for herself to make sure no damage was caused by the contractions. No dilation and after she does the exam, BAM! Reed flips over! I left the doctor feeling so relieved and happy. Taking it easy hasn't been easy but after a scare like that I have to let go and slow down.
We do have a busy month coming up, but I am doing as less as possible. Maternity pictures, Diaper party, Easton's 1/2 birthday, and and finishing things up before bed rest. With my last mobile month approaching I find myself waking up at 3am thinking of things to do. A momma's work is never done, and her mind never rest!!

Fun Facts:
My belly is still super low and just decided to POP at 21.5 weeks.
I've gained 6 pounds
Reed is HUGE!! Weighs a pound at 22 weeks and his legs are as long as his body and head.
I've had to ditch the wedding rings, but hopefully the swelling will go down and I can return to being a married woman.
Easton knows exactly where his brother is and what things are for "bebe".

Monday, March 9, 2015

4 Months

16 weeks has always been known as THE BIG ONE for this pregnancy. It was the week I was to get the anatomy scan of Reed, follow up biopsy to make sure the cervical cancer hasn't come back, and I started those lovely hormone injections. Well 16 weeks has turned out to be a whole lot more exciting than just that. The whole family came down with a stomach bug! So along with my normal pregnancy symptoms, let's add extreme vomiting and bathroom trips to it. At my doctor's appointment on Tuesday I spent the entire waiting time in the restroom and then when it was finally my turn to see the doctor I collapse! As I come to I hear Ben telling the doctor how I haven't held anything down, including liquids, in almost 2 days. I am immediately rushed to the ER there at the hospital and given fluids, Zofran, and who knows what else. I started to feel a little better and ask if I can just go home now (my chances of seeing the doctor and getting my anxiety over were put to bed the moment I hit the floor); the nurse then informs me that I still have to receive my shot for the week. So I get ready for what I have already made in my head to be a terrible pain the the butt (pun intended). I was NOT ready for that. IT HURT! I consider myself to be a trooper; I'm the person that goes into the doctor's office asking for a shot. Not this one. The shots will be just one more thing that I battle and overcome this pregnancy, and I will overcome!
I have 2 weeks before my next doctor's appointment, so I have 2 more weeks of questions and anxiety. Hopefully it will fly by faster than that stomach bug dragged on.

Thanks to no food for 2 days I have lost any weight I thought I had gained over the last 16 weeks and am back to pre-pregnancy weight. Little Reed is starting to poke through and I feel him every hour of the day! During the last sonogram he was in the "birthing position" with his head down pressing onto my uterus, but I felt him flip over and is side to side to hopefully stay.

The Zachary boys got to take their first picture together this week!


Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Verdict is in...

Reed Benson Zachary
and just because this is too cute not to share.....

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wives Tales or Taunts

Being how in possibly 2 weeks we could be finding out the gender of little babino I decided to see how accurate these wives tales could be. Clearly they're not scientific and probably not correct since I'm 6-3, but let's call it a win for GIRL.

If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.  GIRLISH

Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle. BOTH

When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy.  BOY

If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy. GIRL

The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. GIRLISH (I've got 1 "branch")

This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy. GIRL

The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived. BOY

If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. GIRL

If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy. BOY

71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having. GIRL


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

3 Months

Made it to 12 Weeks!! ((Happy Dance)) Baby's heart beat is high and strong at 160. Visiting with the Doctor this week left me feeling much more comfortable and confident. Although I am about to enter the danger zone for a short cervix (16-22 weeks) he has answered every possible question with rather optimistic opinions.
I will be going for bi-weekly monitoring starting now and might even be able to find out the baby's gender as soon as 2 weeks from now!
Having a better idea of what to expect now is making enjoying this pregnancy much easier rather than running scared everyday. So here's to hoping the morning sickness, headaches, and insomnia leave out along with my anxiety.

P.S. Lost 3 pounds! I was so worried because I had gained weight for my first apointment but I have now lost that and only gained a total of 2 pounds for my first trimester. ((Happy Dance Again))

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Zachary Go For 4

On December 7th I found out that we were expecting our next little miracle and starting a new journey. I had no idea this journey would be as bumpy as it has been. I knew that we should expect some complications in the 3rd trimester since Easton was premature and I was put on bed rest. I was not prepared for what the doctor would say at my 8 week appointment.

It is going to be nearly impossible for me to carry a baby to full term. Not only do I have a history of pre-term labor, but I have a short cervix. I will need to start weekly hormone injections at 16 weeks to try and keep my uterus from contracting and I will be taking it easy my ENTIRE pregnancy. How does this sound to an active mother of a 15 month old? IMPOSSIBLE!

My goal is to cook this peanut as long as possible and to whatever means necessary. Every week will be a small accomplishment with the end result being a healthy baby!

This pregnancy was already so different from Easton'sbefore the doctor. Morning sickness, insomnia, headaches, the works! I know that every pregnancyis different just as every child is different, but DANG! However knowing that this could possibly be my last child to carry makes me treasure every nauseous minute of these 9 months. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Easton's first birthday has come and gone, and I am just getting around to blogging it down. The theme was ONEderful with everything done in promary colors.


Easton had so much fun and received so many wonderful gifts! I'm sure he won't ever remember his first birthday, but I will and it was perfect.