Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Easton James Zachary

Easton made his grand entrance into the world on October 16, 2013 at 11:24am. 
After 2 weeks of bed rest by body was still progressing into labor, so we decided to go ahead with the c-section that day. From the time the decision was made, to pre-op, to surgery, to our miracle entering the world was a total of 2 hours. 
He weighed in at 7pounds, 21 inches long. - and the think he was 4 weeks pre-mature!! 

He had pre-mature lungs and spent the first to days of his life in the NICU receiving wonderful attention and care. Easton turned around all by himself, no medication needed, only oxygen. I will say though that seeing your helpless little baby lie there with an oxygen and feeding tube is enough to make a mommy insane. 

We are all healthy, happy, and at home!! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 36

                Ready to POP 

How far along: 36 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Watermelon 
Total weight gain: 27 pounds! 
Belly Size: 42"

Stretch Marks: I saw some, but thankfully they disappeared. 
Movement: Very strong!  
Symptoms: Contractions! 
Food Cravings: Nothing special, just food! 
Sick/queasy: Nothing.   

Mood most of the time: Anxious!!  

Best moment this week: Preparing everything for little man's arrival. 
Daddy’s thoughts of the week: 4 days-- and counting!! 
Next Doctor's appointment: No more!! He'll be here on Monday!! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Week 35

How far along: 35 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Coconut 
Total weight gain: 25 pounds! 
Belly Size: 40"

Stretch Marks: So far, so good. 
Movement: Stretching, contractions, whatever. 
Symptoms: Contractions, heavy pressure, 
Food Cravings: Banana pudding 
Sick/queasy: A little nausea.  

Mood most of the time: BORED!  

Best moment this week: Making it this far!! 
Daddy’s thoughts of the week: one more week, then Come on Easton!! 
Next Doctor's appointment: Next Monday, every Monday. 


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Maternity Pictures

Showering Easton

My shower was AMAZING! I wanted to keep with the same colors as the nursery; navy, lime green, and orange.

This gift table was full of wonderful gifts for my sweet baby boy. We had a little over 75 people in attendance though so this worn out sweaty momma was not wanting to sit in a circle and open all those presents. I felt my time was better spent visiting with the people that brought the people that brought the gifts.


All of my weekly pictures printed out for everyone to enjoy the growth of Baby Easton!

One exhausted, hot, tired mom to be!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 34

We had a little curve ball this week! We went in for a normal appointment and the doctor walked in and could see the discomfort on my face. He decided we should check things and turns out to all of our surprise I was 2cm! I was sent straight to assessment because what I thought were movements were actually contractions. I was monitored for 5 hours, received two bags of fluids and a shot of Breathine. All of that caused my contractions to go from every 3 minutes to every 9 minutes. With the regression the doctor felt comfortable enough to send me home on bed rest. He hopes for me to make it until 37 ideally but will be satisfied with 35 which is Monday. 
Not the picture I had planned for this week, but it's fitting. 

How far along: 34 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Butternut Squash
Total weight gain: 25 
Belly Size: 40" 

Stretch Marks: No "road maps" here. 
Movement: What I thought were movements were actually contractions. Whoops! 
Symptoms: just labor. 
Food Cravings: Back to green bananas. 

Mood most of the time: nervous/worried/anxious 

Best moment this week: Contractions slowing up and being able to go home, even if it's on bed rest. 
Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Wish the little booger would stop playing around!! 
Next Doctor's appointment: Monday! Hopefully not sooner. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 33

How far along: 33 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Jicama
Total weight gain: 23 pounds! 
Belly Size: 39" 

Stretch Marks: Hopefully I'm in the clear! Fingers crossed. 
Movement: Less movements but stronger.  
Symptoms: 13 hours of sleep a night kind of tired. 
Food Cravings: Anything that doesn't give me heartburn. 
Sick/queasy: No/No

Mood most of the time: Happy :) 

Best moment this week: Baby has dropped and in position!! Let's get this dude out of here!! 
Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Hurry it up! 
Next Doctor's appointment: Next Tuesday. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 32

How far along: 32 Weeks

Baby is the size of:  Squash
Total weight gain: 22 pounds!

Belly Size: 38 1/2"


Stretch Marks: Nope!


Movement: He is calming down a lot. Getting into more of a sleeping routine...THANK GOODNESS!  

Symptoms: STILL HOT!
Food Cravings: Reese's Puffs Cereal
Sick/queasy: Heartburn

Mood most of the time: Overwhelmed.


Best moment this week: Baby Easton being showered with lots of love and gifts 


Daddy’s thoughts of the week: With everything set up and put away we are ready for our man to get here! 

Next Doctor's appointment: October 1st


Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 31

How far along: 31 Weeks

Baby is the size of:  Pinnapple 
Total weight gain: 21 pounds! 

Belly Size: 38 1/2"

Stretch Marks: Still counting my blessings! 

Movement: very much! 
Symptoms: HOT! 
Food Cravings: Nothing really. 
Sick/queasy: Nooe! 

Mood most of the time: Excited!! 

Best moment this week: Going to the Doctor, ultrasound, maternity pictures,... Very big week! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Can't believe how big our man is! 
Next Doctor's appointment: October 1st

He had a hand on each cheek covering his face! Big boy is weighing 3.13lbs which is more than average, but normal for our family. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 30

How far along: 30 Weeks

Baby is the size of:  Cucumber. 
Total weight gain: 19-- little man will be gaining 1/2 pound a week for the next 7 weeks! 

Belly Size: 37"

Stretch Marks: None. 

Movement: He is getting a little cramped in there!
Symptoms: Restlessness
Food Cravings: I wasn't craving it, but Shrimp and Cheese Stuffed Jalapenos from Mike Anderson's were the best thing I've ate in a while! MUST HAVE AGAIN!
Sick/queasy: Nope.

Mood most of the time: Anxious

Best moment this week: Upgrading to Mommy's new ride

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: 
Next Doctor's appointment: Next Tuesday! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 29

How far along: 29 Weeks-- 10 to go! 

Baby is the size of:  Squash 
Total weight gain: 17

Belly Size: 37"

Stretch Marks: None. 

Movement: We've started our new kickboxing class at 4 am. Mommy isn't as happy as baby is! 
Symptoms: A lot more "pressure" than I imagined this early on. 
Food Cravings: Maw-Maw LeJeune's spaghetti with eggs! 
Sick/queasy: Normal heartburn. 

Mood most of the time: Anxious for all the fun things coming up! 

Best moment this week: LSU Kickoff!! Geaux Tigers! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week:  Ready to meet our little tiger fan! 
Next Doctor's appointment: September 10th 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Week 28

How far along: 28 Weeks

Baby is the size of:  Eggplant

Total weight gain: 15

Belly Size: 36 1/2"

Stretch Marks: Nope
I'd say so.
Symptoms: My linea nigra. Pretty weird.

Food Cravings: nothing in particular. 

Sick/queasy: heartburn! 

Mood most of the time: happy! :) 

Best moment this week: Spending time together (just the two of us) the last time for a while.

Daddy’s thoughts of the week:  Had a great time in Arkansas! 
Next Doctor's appointment: September 10th 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 27

             Rounding 3rd.... Trimester. 

How far along: 27 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Rutabaga -- I don't even know what that is. 
Total weight gain: 15 -- growth spurt! 

Belly Size: 36 1/2" 

Stretch Marks: No 
Movement: Yep! 

Symptoms: Nothing new. 

Food Cravings: Sweets! Pretty sure that was just because I was dieting for glucose though. 

Sick/queasy: Not at all. 

Mood most of the time: Giggly as Ben would say 

Best moment this week: PASSING glucose test! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Glad everyone is healthy   

Next Doctor's appointment: September 10th -- second anatomy scan also. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Week 26

How far along: 26 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Cucumber
Total weight gain: 10

Belly Size: 35 1/2" 

Stretch Marks: Not yet. 
Movement: More than ever! 

Symptoms: Mid-back pain. Only the beginning, I know. 

Food Cravings: Nothing really. 

Sick/queasy: Nope. 

Mood most of the time: Happy! 

Best moment this week: Mimi got some new knees so she'll be ready to play with baby boy! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Excited for our baby moon next weekend!  

Next Doctor's appointment: Tuesday! 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 25

How far along: 25 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Cauliflower -- Over a foot long!
Total weight gain: 9

Belly Size: 34"

Stretch Marks: Nope
Movement: Sweet baby boy has made his way to Mommy's ribs!

Symptoms: Nothing new.

Food Cravings: Chocolate Syrup! Looks like Easton will have his Daddy's sweet tooth!

Sick/queasy: Nothing

Mood most of the time: Annoyed 

Best moment this week: FINISHED the nursery!! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: we're in double digits--95 days! 

Next Doctor's appointment: August 13th

Friday, July 26, 2013

100 Days!

Today marks 100 days until D-Day... Baby Easton's Due Date. I'm having mixed emotions about this. On one hand, I can not wait for him to make his appearance and bless us with his presence. I can't wait to experience what all the other families feel, that "I can't even remember life without him/her" feeling. I'm so excited to see what he looks like and get to know his sweet little personality. I also can't wait to see Ben as a father because he already loves this little one so much.

But on the other hand, OMG, HOLY COW! This little human is going to rely on Ben and I to keep him alive. To care for him and love him and give him everything he needs for the rest of his life more or less. That's a huge responsibility! I've dreamed of being a mother for so long and now I'm less than 100 days to becoming one. I just can't help but thinking how much our lives are going to change in just that aspect. Life as a family of 3 instead of just 2 will be so different.

I also think I will miss being pregnant. I've been so blessed with an easy time that I enjoy every minute of it. I look at every little kick to the ribs as a special connection that only him and I have. I don't know that I am ready to share that with everyone.

I wonder what kind of mother/wife I'm going to be. I worry about the small things like keeping up with the housework and grocery shopping. I know they aren't what is really important, but I love taking care of Ben and I hope that I have the time and energy to continue to take care of him AND Easton.

So ready or not, here we go.... 100 days and counting.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 24

How far along: 24 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Cantelope 

Total weight gain: 8

Belly Size: 34"

Stretch Marks: Looking good

Movement: Easton has a new trampoline which is disguised as mommy's bladder. 

Symptoms: Possible Braxton Hick's have started and they don't mess around. 

Food Cravings: Anything spicy! 

Sick/queasy: Nothing 

Mood most of the time: Accomplished!  

Best moment this week: Meeting Easton's future BFF Beau Bankston! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: 

Next Doctor's appointment: August 13th

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 23

How far along: 23 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Grapefruit  

Total weight gain: 7

Belly Size: 34"

Stretch Marks: Not yet! 

Movement: Rolling over and pushing

Symptoms: Nothing. 

Food Cravings: Mexican

Sick/queasy: Just acid reflux. 

Mood most of the time: Relaxed 

Best moment this week: Registering!! 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: So excited! Feels really good to have finally met the Doctor and have all of our questions answered.
Next Doctor's appointment: August 13, 2013--Glucose Test, ekk

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week 22

How far along: 22 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Papaya --1lb!! 

Total weight gain: 6

Belly Size: 33 1/2"

Stretch Marks: Still Lucky! 

Movement: Everyday, All day. 

Symptoms: Nothing new this week.

Food Cravings: Nothing in particular. 

Sick/queasy: After eating I've been feeling a little nauseous, but nothing terrible.   

Mood most of the time: Easily provoked.

Best moment this week: Buying a BELLY BAND! Wonderful invention!

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Ready to get to the Doctor!


Next Doctor's appointment: TUESDAY!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 21

                              HAPPY 4th of JULY
How far along: 21 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Pomegranate

Total weight gain: 5

Belly Size: 33 1/2"

Stretch Marks: I thought so, then Ben realized it was just lines from my pants! WHEW!

Movement: ALL-THE-TIME

Symptoms: Good thing I already had a dentist appointment to fix my gestational gingivitis, because one of my brittle teeth broke while eating cereal!

Food Cravings: Pizza; with jalapenos of course.

Sick/queasy: Nothing.

Mood most of the time: Sensitive to rude people who feel the need to point at my belly.

Best moment this week: Adding some things to the nursery: almost complete!  

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Can't believe we only have 4 months left!!


Next appointment: July 16th--Not soon enough!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 20

                     50 % Loaded

How far along: 20 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Banana

Total weight gain: 5

Belly Size: 33"
Stretch Marks: Nope.

Movement: We were able to actually SEE a kick! 

Symptoms: A little heartburn cured by milk

Food Cravings: Sonic-- Cheese JalapeƱo tots and a large strawberry limeade. 

Sick/queasy: Not at all. 

Mood most of the time: Mellow

Best moment this week: Enjoying every little kick or punch. Makes me smile. 

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Tired from all the hard work around the house. All for baby boy though. 

Next appointment: July 16th

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Week 19

How far along: 19 Weeks

Baby is the size of: Mango

Total weight gain: 5

Belly Size: 33"
Stretch Marks: Nope.

Movement: ALL THE TIME! We have a very active little man!

Symptoms: Just smiles :)

Food Cravings: Jalapenos

Sick/queasy: Nope.

Mood most of the time: Ecstatic

Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet baby boy on the sonogram.

Daddy’s thoughts of the week: Happy we are going to welcoming a baby boy so we can out number mom.

Next appointment: July 16th