First Kicks!!
How far along: 17 Weeks
Baby is the size of: Onion
Total weight gain: Dunno; suppose to do that today at the Doctor.
Belly Size: Bump-- 32 1/2
Stretch Marks: None.
Movement: Laying in bed Saturday night I showed Ben how lumpy my tummy was- you could see the position of baby. As we were admiring my bumpy bump, BAM! I grabbed Ben's hand and baby kicked 4 more times, but Ben couldn't feel anything. Since we have had a very active baby, movement everyday.
Symptoms: A little dehydration
Food Cravings: Baby's first Dr. Pepper which then lead to Baby's first kicks!
Sick/queasy: Nope.
Mood most of the time: Excited
Best moment this week: Will be hearing sweet little peanut's heartbeat as soon as the Doctor comes back to work!
Daddy’s thoughts of the week:
Next appointment: June 5th--Rescheduled to June 7th
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