Monday, June 29, 2015

Month 7

Surprisingly to how I feel, I am still pregnant! Reed has dropped into position and has been there since about week 29. I am significantly uncomfortable, but Reed is still inside developing and healthy so we're doing good!! I am spending my days catching up on crafts, a few chores, and guilty television. I've had a couple close calls with contractions, but they always subside. The doctor is now performing a FNN test every 2 weeks which test for the presence of protein which would be released right before the membranes rupture. I am living in 2 weeks intervals until 34 weeks which I will then be 1 week at a time. Reed is quickly running out of room and I'm running out of clothes.
I have gained more weight at this point than I did the whole time with Easton, but I am just packing the pounds on the baby :) at least that's what I tell myself.