Monday, May 18, 2015

Huggies and Chuggies

Month 6

Month six has turned out to be the most normal month thus far! Proud to say there were no hospital visits, extended doctor stays, or close calls. Reed is however in position and rapidly dropping.

Total Weight Gain: 10 pounds
Belly Size:
Symptoms: Lot of kicks to the ribs, very light pressure, and swelling
Cravings: Sweets!

With all of our commitments come and gone it's now time to kick my feet up and bake this baby! Next stop.... D-Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Waiting for Reed

 18 months is turning out to be the age Easton is giving up on pictures so taking family shots were more difficult than usual. Hopefully this doesnt last long.

Reed's Adventure Room

My idea for Reed's room came after finding fabric patterns on Once I had a start I couldn't stop, idea after idea just came flooding in and I got to crafting. 
First came his name for the wall above the crib. Seeing the letters on for $75 each I was thankful Reed had a short name! I thought it would be worth a shot to try and make the letters myself first. I found letters at Hobby Lobby on the clearance aisle.
 Since Polka Dot letters dont't really go with our theme I started by painting them with a textured tan spray paint.
 Next I cut P11 board into smaller panels then painted them a dark brown
Hanging the final prodcut was found to be harder than expected, but I got it done!

The no sew TeePee was super easy using only 3 PVC pipes, a painters drop cloth, and some rope and screws.
I found directions here:

The arrows were super simple with the help of my husband and his table saw.
Simple build and stain then hang.

Simple soft furnishings including a fur pillow, handmade vinyl canvas, dark wicker baskets, and my favorite 5x7 navy and white Aztec rug from WALMART for $25.